We’ve all been there – in a rush to leave the house for work, a meeting, or even just to run errands, and we forget something important. It’s frustrating, but it’s also pretty common. In fact, a recent study found that the average person forgets something at home about once a week.

Things We Forget in the House When We're in a Hurry

To help you avoid this all-too-common problem, I’ve put together a list of the top 20 things that people forget in the house when they’re in a hurry. I hope this list will help you be more organized and prepared the next time you’re running out the door.

20 Items We Tend to Leave Behind at Home When Rushing


1. Keys

This is the most common thing that people forget. It’s easy to do, especially if you’re in a hurry and your mind is racing.

2. Phone

Another common one. We’re so used to having our phones with us all the time that it’s easy to forget them when we leave the house.

3. Wallet

This one is important, especially if you’re going to be out and about. You don’t want to be stuck without any money or identification.

4. Glasses

If you wear glasses, it’s important to make sure you have them with you. You don’t want to be walking around blind!

5. Purse

This is for the ladies. Make sure you have your purse with you if you need it. It’s probably where you keep your wallet, keys, and other essentials.

6. Laptop

If you’re bringing your laptop with you, make sure you don’t forget it. You don’t want to be stuck without it if you need it for work or school.

7. Water bottle

Staying hydrated is important, so make sure you bring a water bottle with you.

8. Snacks

If you’re going to be out for a while, it’s a good idea to bring some snacks with you.

9. Umbrella

If it’s going to be raining, make sure you bring an umbrella.

10. Medication

If you take medication, make sure you bring it with you.

11. Baby supplies

If you have a baby, make sure you bring all the necessary supplies, such as diapers, wipes, and formula.

12. Pet supplies

If you have a pet, make sure you bring their food, water, and any other necessary supplies.

13. Chargers

Don’t forget to bring chargers for your phone, laptop, and other devices.

14. Tissues

Tissues are always a good idea to have on hand.

15. Hand sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is a must-have in today’s world.

16. Sunscreen

If you’re going to be outside, make sure you bring sunscreen.

17. Sunglasses

If it’s sunny, bring sunglasses to protect your eyes.

18. Hat

If it’s hot, bring a hat to keep the sun off your head.

19. Jacket

If it’s cold, bring a jacket to keep warm.

20. Umbrella

I mentioned this one before, but it’s worth repeating. If it’s going to be raining, bring an umbrella.

I hope this list helps you avoid forgetting anything important the next time you’re in a hurry to leave the house. And if you’re looking to purchase a home in the Ruidoso and Alto areas of New Mexico, contact me. I’ll be sure not to forget anything!

Contact me today to find your perfect home.